Tony manero

Tony Manero is a 2008 Chilean film directed by Pablo Larra n about a 52-year-old man in Santiago in 1978 who is obsessed with John Travolta's character in Saturday. Saturday Night Fever is a 1977 American drama film directed by John Badham. It stars John Travolta as Tony Manero, a working-class young man who spends his weekends. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. This sequel to Saturday Night Fever is set six years after Tony Manero (John Travolta) blew the competition away during a local disco contest. Now he is an aspiring. Handlung. Tony Manero ist ein junger Italoamerikaner aus Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Er lebt in bescheidenen Verh ltnissen in einem streng katholischen Elternhaus Handlung. Die Handlung des Films beginnt f nf Jahre nach Nur Samstag Nacht. Tony Maneros Tanzsucht h lt ihn noch immer auf den Beinen, obwohl er Brooklyn schon. Malls Alto Las Condes, Costanera Center y Portal – SUPER BLACK FRIDAY. Juan Pablo Montalva. Synopsis. Tony Manero, un jeune New-Yorkais italo-am ricain de 19 ans, tente d'agr menter sa morne existence dans son quartier de Brooklyn gr ce ses talents. Synopsis. Cinq ans plus tard, la Fi vre du samedi Soir br le toujours pour Tony Manero. Voici que se pr sente la plus belle occasion pour lui de devenir danseur. Professional level live theatre presented in a Historic Barn Theatre. Operating during the summer months Memorial Day thru Labor.